
Paul Smith

Lead Pastor

Paul and Amy have a passion for God and desire for hurting and broken people to experience God's love in their own lives through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. They have five children and have served in Pastoral Ministry since 1999.

As lead pastor, Paul serves as the Chair of the Leadership Team.

Hans Nelson

Youth Pastor

Pastor Hans loves to see students experience that Jesus is real in Middle Schools, High Schools. He and his wife Whitney have four kids and have been on staff since 2010.

Tiffany Ankeny

Church Life Pastor

Tiffany has a passion for learning and teaching about God.  She loves to help people grow in their relationship with Christ through involvement in Life Groups.  Tiffany and her husband, Bryan, have four children.

Greg Simao

Worship Pastor

Greg has a passion to see God glorified and the spiritual lives of all peoples deepened through worshipping and praising the father. He loves using music and the arts to declare the greatness of God. He and his wife Jenny have three boys and as transplants from Northern California, they couldn’t be happier with their new home state! In their spare time they enjoy kayaking, hiking and exploring new restaurants!

Jacob Franks

Children and Family Ministry Pastor

Jacob has an ardent desire for children to know God's word and have every opportunity to step into the Lord's presence and encounter Him face to face. He and his stunningly beautiful wife have two adorable children and love board games!

Diana Tirado

Office Administrator

Diana loves serving the church by keeping everyone organized and informed. She is married to her husband Mitch.  Together they are a culinary dream team, Mitch focusing on the savory and Diana on the sweets. 

Wendy Meis

Financial Administrator

Wendy loves numbers and serving God. She has been attending West Ridge since 2005.  Wendy and her husband Dan have 2 young adult boys.  On a nice day you will find her riding her motorcycle.

Angie Stilwell


Angie enjoys serving the physical needs of the church. She spends her free time with her husband Dan and their pets.

Leadership Team

The Leadership Team consists of elders and deacons who together provide spiritual vision and practical wisdom as they lead West Ridge Church.
L-R: Tovalro Bullock (deacon), Dennis Roth (elder), Adam Kohls (deacon), Tyler Peters (deacon), Jon Johnson (deacon), Chris Williams (elder), Brittany Bembnister (elder)
How can I get in contact the leadership team?
Everyone is welcome to approach any team member in person to ask questions, however the officers are typically able to answer questions with more detail.  The officers are: Chris Williams- Deputy Chair, Brittany Bembnister- Secretary, and Tyler Peters - Treasurer.  You can use the button below to send an email to the deputy chair of the leadership team. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What's the difference between elders and deacons?
The role of the elder is to protect spiritual unity, teach and defend the fundamental doctrines and beliefs of the Christian faith, and nurture spiritual growth (discipleship) in the lives and families of all members.  The role of the deacon is to oversee the administrative responsibilities of the local church make sure that everyone is being treated fairly regardless of race or gender, and oversee the ministry finances and maintenance of church property.

Where in the Bible does it talk about elders and deacons?
  • Acts 6:1-7
  • 1 Timothy 3:1-13
  • Ephesians 4:11-16
  • 1 Peter 5:1-6 

How are elders and deacons selected?
Each fall the membership of the church can make nominations for qualified candidates to fill positions coming open on the leadership team.  People nominated then fill out an application for the role to which they were nominated and undergo an interview with the nomination subcommittee of the Leadership Team.  After prayerful consideration, the nomination committee puts forward a slate of names to fill the open leadership positions. Members are then notified of the slate and if they have cause to believe that a person should not be appointed to an elder or deacon position they can submit a signed letter to make their cause known to the Leadership Team. The membership of the church then votes on the slate of candidates at the Annual meeting, held in January.
How long do deacons and elders serve?
Elders and deacons are elected  by the membership of the church to 3 year terms.  People can serve two consecutive terms on the Leadership Team, after which they take at least a one year before before serving another term.